Introduction to the community
Today, the Brotherhood has one bishop (retired) and four presbyters who belong to the Church of North India. Since the earliest days, the Brotherhood has had a concern for serving the poor and underprivileged. In 1973, the Delhi Brotherhood Society was set up to organise social development projects in the poorer parts of Delhi. The work and social outreach of the Brotherhood is with and not for the poor of Delhi. The Brotherhood has initiated programmes of community health, education, vocational training and programmes for street and working children.
Contact details
Address: Brotherhood House, 7 Court Lane, (Rustmji Sehgal Marg), Delhi 110054, India
Community information
Bishop Visitor: Most Revd Dr Philip P Marandih, Bishop of Patna, Moderator of CNI
Constance M Millington, “Whether we be many or few”: A History of the Cambridge/Delhi Brotherhood, Asian Trading Corporation, Bangalore, 1999
Available from the Brotherhood House.
Third Order, Fellowship, Associates
There are twenty-six Presbyter Associates and eight Lay Companions who follow a simple Rule of Life adapted to their individual conditions.
Head: Monodeep Daniel BAC
Assumed office 27 November 2013
Deputy Head: Raju George BAC
Solomon George
Jai Kumar
15 Apr 2021 Collin Theodore, aged 75, professed 39 years, Head 1997-2001,
Bishop of Rajasthan 2001-2010