Heliga Korsets och Profeten Elias kloster i Östanbäck (OSB)

Introduction to the community

With much initial help and inspiration from the (Anglican) Society of St Francis and after ten years of preparation for monastic life for men in the Church of Sweden – five years as students in varying novitiates or small fraternity experiments, five as a more regular community in a vicarage outside the city of Västerås involved in the life of the parish – the community settled in an old village (Östanbac) 40 kms to the north and adopted the Rule of St Benedict.

The declarations and the constitution of Östanbäcks kloster were written before the solemn dedication of the monastery in 1975 by the bishop emeritus Bengt Sundkler, formerly of Bukoba, Tanzania. They describe a life where priority is given to the liturgical prayer and to manual labour as well as to the reception of guests (for retreat, re-orientation in life eg after a divorce, general spiritual guidance, refugees, lonely persons looking for fellowship).

The search for visible unity in diversity of all Christians, including acceptance of the Roman ministry of Peter, has received a symbol in the ‘church of Unity’ dedicated in 2012 with broad participation from different churches. The community was affiliated with the Dutch Benedictine Congregation from 1994 and now after its dissolution with the Congregation of the Annunciation.

Contact details

+46 224 250 88, 251 80, 251 88

Address: Östanbäcks kloster, SE– 733 96 Sala, Sweden

Community information

Date of foundation:
14 February 1960

Bishop Visitor: Bishop Anders Arborelius, Roman Catholic Bishop of Stockholm, assisted by Bishop Björn Fjärsted, emeritus Bishop of Visby, Church of Sweden



Sven-Erik Brodd, Evangeliskt klosterliv i Sverige, Uppsala, 1972.
Articles in Erbe und Auftrag and other reviews through the years.
References in Petà Dunstan, This Poor Sort, DLT, London, 1997.

Third Order, Fellowship, Associates

Around 20 secular Oblates now. Contact through the Father of the monastery.
